Minimum Wage
Minimum wage will increase from $9.25 to $10.10
Pink hunting gear
“Daylight fluorescent pink” is now a color authorized for outwear worn by hunters hunting during the day.
Child sexual abuse training
Teachers will now receive annual training on recognizing child sexual abuse and to learn how to report it. A phone number to report will be clearly posted in schools.
Consent training
This law requires a county board of education to devise age-appropriate guidelines on introducing the meaning of consent and boundaries as part of the Family Life and Human Sexuality curriculum.
Teachers’ income tax modification
Teachers who spend up to $250 on stocking their classrooms without reimbursement are eligible for an income tax subtraction modification. The supplies must be used in the classroom or used a preparation for the school year.
Sunscreen in schools
Students will no longer need a note of permission to bring sunblock to school.